Monthly Archives: May 2021

May: full speed ahead in the greenhouse!

May is a such busy and exciting time in the greenhouse and polytunnel.  Plants are in all stages of creation, from sweetcorn seeds in the heated propagator, to young tomato plants planted in the borders.

Working on seed sowing, pricking out, and potting on, especially when it’s raining outside, is pure joy.  After no rain all through April, this last week of regular rain is very welcome, as is the change to frost-free nights.    Of course there might still be frosts until June, so it’s not yet time to put away the horticultural fleece and bubble wrap that covers the greenhouse plants on cold nights.

A selection of young plants on a bench in the polytunnel
Nicotiana, sunflowers, cosmos, mitzuna, cornflowers, and lettuce. Although the cornflowers, mizuna and lettuce are frost hardy, I keep them in the greenhouse until they’ve grown into big enough plants to survive attack by slugs and snails!